Sunday, May 18, 2008


last friday i got a serious HIGH FEVER badly.damn.i fainted at my house before i went to school.when i reached school.saw people arranging the chair.i asked ken what happen and she told me " teacher's day arh ~ " and i was like wtf...... damn it! *frustrated* can felt my head was so so so damn heavy.and my class still got account exam wey.please laa let me sit or whatever.before exam cary and ken do help me.they brought me to pn.authar's room.the pk hem.she asked them to buy me a hot drinks and cal me take my exam at the caunselling room. exam and kun accompany me there.shhhhh.anywhere they dont know anything bout account x de apa laa. :P after recess angel and kar mun had joined in.together with jo and kun also.i was damn sick i tel you.and they keep on pili palaaaa. leceh . anywhere.angel do help me lots. (: then pj paper.all of us got to take that they went back to their class.i got no energy to write the answer also.even a ABC. god.i can only just lying on the sofa and sleep.after school.mummie brought me along to the what keris.those travelling company ask for information.sigh.i can just wait and's going bali on tuesday untill thursday.(im not sure) and finally i reached home. home sweet home.i knew what it really means sleep for dont know how many hours.i was tired.i could hardly keep my eyes open.mum asked me go for a check from doctor.i can only reply her nono thanks.cause before that i got my medicine from doctor because of my sensitive skin. well.friday is the day that i never ever forget bout bout it.thanks to all my friends had helped me. especially jo. kun. cary. angle.ken. karmun. mwuassh.

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