Friday, January 23, 2009

mum said i did nothing this few days . i mean house work . usually before cny sure will like gotong royong those right . and for this year cny . i really didnt help my mum . useless me . as what she said . but . i was actually busy with tons of homework and tuition . almost all subjects also got homework . f5 life sucks . urghhh . so . continue my story . my mum asked me to decorate a huge empty vase with my creation . and know what . i was sitting there and biting my apple for few minutes . ahh my mum nagged of course . nahhh . this's the results .

guess what ? i finally did it . my room is super clean (maybe ) thanks to my spring cleaning efforts ! i always wanted to meke my room pretty . like those in showrooms . and finally . just now i spent few hours cleaning . rearranging . bining stuff and finally decorating ! i alsw manage to reorganise all of my clothes . and that was the biggest challege of all as i've got clothes tucked away almost half my cupboard . so YAY i've a good excuse to shop now . ;]

i found this . years ago stuff . ;/

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